Tuesday, November 19, 2013

About Me

    I know there are numerous factors to what makes up a person. I try to think about what makes me who I am but I just don't know where to start. I guess I'll basically start with saying that I am a seventeen year old senior in high school. I describe myself based on what the majority of the people I know say about me. I am that open person that stands out with a kind heart and friendly personality. Shocking to say that I have already done five internships since I turned fifteen. I think internships are very beneficial for future occupations and plus I love getting paid. As a teen striving for new things, money is my motive so I work hard for it. This blog will be about my past internships, what they were like and where I plan working.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

First Internship

     An internship during the humid summer in a college campus with paid breaks, free bus passes, air conditioning and getting paid to do legit nothing serious but pretend like you're paying attention. What more could a fifteen year old want for his first internship. I guess the only drag I could complain about was how it was mandatory for the interns to dress up professionally. That was complain-able because there were so many days where it was really humid out and as a guy, a tie and a pair of pants did not keep me comfortable outside the air conditioned buildings. What was weird though was how my internship program seemed like the only program that had their interns dress professionally. I realized this on the teen conferences that were held every Friday in the college's ice hockey field since it was so huge. The teen conference included interns from so many other internship programs across the city. Being the only ones to dress up for a small internship just made us seem like we were doing too much. Mind you we were like fifteen and sixteen. The teen conferences were really fun though. No one really went along with the routines assigned by the mentors. Everyone sidetracked to another subject and started making new friends. I became friends with a bunch of people of all kinds. This one crazy chick for music kept asking me about Nicki Minaj. This one awkward dude who kept trying to spin a basketball on his finger the whole time and decides to ask me the last minute "sooo why are you dressed up?" I met this other girl who was self-conscious about everything. Dear Lord, I was replying to a text and she asked me if I was saying something about her. The list goes on, I met people from the wannabe Chief Keef gangsters to those ordinary chill folk. Three years later I look back and think that summer internship was a great experience only because I got paid to make new friends.
As you can see, no one dressed up and it wasn't mandatory to wear the company t shirt but can you imagine being one of the very few that had to dress up on a hot summer day?