Friday, January 24, 2014


     I thought I would have a job through out senior year but the amount of college work and keeping up with school work kept me preoccupied. After submitting my college apps and the year is beginning to ease off, I now plan on having a simple after school job like at a retail store. So far, I have been notified of Walgreens and so I took it into consideration. I went to the one in Dorchester center and the manager had me apply there. The process took a while but since I was behind a desk, customers thought I was working there and could help them. I got to experience how the customers there were and they were not so bad. Either way I only want a part time job to save up a couple hundreds to finally buy my first car!

Feeling Official

     Before the past summer of 2013, I had no idea of where I wanted to work over the summer. By the time it was June, I lost hope and was going to start looking for random minimum waged, easy jobs. Fortunately the week before that happened, I received a call from a pharmaceutical company in Cambridge called Genzyme. I had no chances to lose so I agreed to an abrupt interview and got accepted. That time I never heard of them yet teachers and friends told me how great and big of a company they were. I walked in the building and first thing I noticed were the indoor waterfalls, plush leather seats, glassed stairs and glassed elevators. There is a virtual tour on their website but I would recommend going there to experience the building. They pay very well but shocking to say that the money did not matter because it was such a great job. I was lucky enough to be the only intern with my own full office. The others had cubicles. Working there was fun because most of the time I stayed on the computer and phone with the others finishing my summer reading. Other than that, I got to meet and work with great doctors and other professionally skilled workers. I became close friends with my supervisors and my manager who is the General Counsel of Genzyme. I definitely plan on going back during of after college.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape Movie Review

The film, “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” is about the complicated life of Gilbert who perseveres through out his life with family issues. This movie is an Academy Award and nominee of the Golden Globe 1994. The famous actors Johnny Depp and Leonardo Dicaprio played major roles in this movie. Gilbert, acted by Johnny Depp is a nice and kind young man who cares for his innocent mentally challenged younger brother Arnie who was acted out by Leonardo Dicaprio. Gilbert and the family also deal with their depressed and obese mother Bonnie who became like that after 17 years since her husband left. Gilbert struggles with his love life and works most of his time for the sake of the house he and his family inhabits and also for the family's financial benefits. Gilbert who watches most over Arney already has his hands full because at most time Arney can be hard to control. Donna dreams of seeing her son, Arney turn eighteen and she did right before she died a few seconds after going up a flight of stairs for the first time. At least before she passed away she allowed Gilbert who is her knight and shimmering armor to introduced her to a woman special in his life.This is important because she is insecure about her weight and paranoid about people thinking negatively about her. Overall in the end when she passed away, it was a sign to move on in life and to not be trapped in such a struggle so they burnt the house their father built as a symbol of freedom. I think the movie is mostly composed of subliminal or conceived meaning to it once you think about it. I think it should be more straight forward as it it were a drama or something.